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NEW YEAR, NEW OPPORTUNITIES1/5/2024 As we begin a new year, many will again aim for new resolutions. Usually, this means trying to improve our diet, starting an exercise regime, or curbing vices. While these are noble and important goals, they are also forms of self-improvement. This year, why don’t we challenge ourselves to more altruistic resolutions? Instead of self-centric goals, let's make 2024 the year we extend our resolutions to improve the lives of others. Whether through random acts of kindness, volunteering, or supporting charitable causes, resolving to improve our generosity can have profound effects on those we help and ourselves. Which in turn can increase our sense of fulfillment and purpose. In pursuing personal growth, let's remember that the ripple effect of positive actions extends beyond ourselves, creating positive change that resonates throughout our communities and beyond. This New Year, try letting your resolutions be a catalyst for creating a better world for all!
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Wake up, sleepyheads! June 8th is National Upsy Daisy Day when we're encouraged to kick-start our day with a positive attitude. A day to tackle each moment, each obstacle, with enthusiasm and hopefulness. Why is this important? Because our mindset has serious power —superhero power— to shape our lives and experiences.
Author Stephanie Allen West created this holiday to help us realize that our outlook on life can make or break our happiness and success. She encourages us to bounce back from challenges, embrace our achievements, and choose to radiate positivity to those around us. And how can we celebrate Upsy Daisy Day? It starts with waking up each morning and consciously choosing to be cheerful and grateful for the day's opportunities. Take a moment to appreciate the small joys in life, such as a warm cup of coffee or the beauty of nature outside your window. Embrace the day as a precious gift rather than a burden to bear. Throughout the day, remind yourself to stay positive and resilient, especially in the face of challenges. By cultivating a cheerful and optimistic attitude, we can make even the toughest tasks feel more manageable and bring joy to our own lives and those around us. Let's pop up like daisies, raise our eyes to the skies, and greet each day with an Upsy Daisy spirit! So, get on up and shine today! Upsy Daisy, everyone!
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We GIve summit | May 44/14/2023 The Ramesh and Kalpana Bhatia Family Foundation and SOAR at the We Give Summit on May 4th
Join us on May 4th at the #WeGiveSummit. Our Executive Director, Anita Bhatia, will be a guest on a panel “Seed Funding the Next Big Ideas, Visions, and Organizations", the session will be moderated by Amrita Doshi, Executive Director of South Asian SOAR. Fellow speakers throughout the Summit include Adrienne Maree Brown, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, Gloria Walton, and dozens more! All sessions are free! Sessions are happening all day, May 2-4. To register, visit
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Comedy for a cure3/6/2023 TSC Alliance will host their 22nd Annual Comedy For A Cure fundraiser on April 2nd at the Avalon in Hollywood. The evening will be a dazzling night of cocktails, a silent and live auction, a delicious dinner, and an always entertaining and memorable show featuring stand-up comedy with world-renowned comedian Russell Peters as the headliner and the hilarious Alonzo Bodden, winner of NBC's Last Comic Standing, as a special guest performer.
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Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk10/11/2022 Join us at the 14th Annual Skechers Pier to Pier Friendship Walk on Sunday, October 30th! We are participating in this walk to help raise funds for educational opportunities and programs for children and adults with varying abilities. All the funds we raise will go to support our partner, the Friendship Foundation.
We not only walk for all the families who have children and young adults with diverse abilities, but we walk for ANYA! Our work at the foundation is inspired by Anya and our desire to create a more inclusive world for her, her friends, and EVERYONE. Please consider contributing to our efforts or joining Bhatia Foundation Team "Anya's Animal Farm" for a fun, festive day of walking at the beach while dressed up as your favorite animal! Click link below to walk with us! |