The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation provides suicide prevention training and education for children and adults, as well as depression research funding. Please review our programs and let us know how we can help. All services are 100% donor funded, a gift today will help others tomorrow. Together, we can help create a world where suicide is never the choice.
Please note, The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation is not a crisis or suicide response website. If you are experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention at 1-800-273-TALK or text the Crisis Text Line (Text HELLO to 741741). These services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. |
In 2022, we are continuing our support OF J.E.H.F by funding the hope squad and to launch this program in 20 additional schools within the Tarrant County School District
Seven out of ten young people having thoughts of suicide will tell a friend… What that friend does next could save a life.
Hope Squad is a school-based peer support program that empowers students to take action to prevent suicide through a partnership with their local mental health agency. Nominated by classmates as trustworthy peers, Hope Squad members serve as the eyes and ears of the school and report to adults any student who seems to be struggling or at-risk for suicide. Advisors train Hope Squad members on how to identify at-risk students, provide friendship, and seek help from an adult.
The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation has the honor and privilege of bringing Hope Squad to Texas, right here in Tarrant County. This ground-breaking program is changing the culture of help-seeking within our schools. To learn more visit
The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation has the honor and privilege of bringing Hope Squad to Texas, right here in Tarrant County. This ground-breaking program is changing the culture of help-seeking within our schools. To learn more visit