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ANTI-ASIAN HATE AND VIOLENCE3/19/2021 We wanted to share a message below from NAPAWF in response to the act of violence that took place this week in Georgia. We stand in solidarity with our Asian and Asian American neighbors. Please consider supporting organizations supporting Asian American communities where you live, as well as local, Asian-owned businesses that may need support more than ever now.
From NAPAWF We are appalled, devastated, and angry at the violence in Georgia that has taken eight lives, six of whom were Asian American women. We must call this moment what it truly is: white supremacy, anti-Asian racism, sexism, and sexual violence against Asian American women. Asian American women have consistently reported 2-3 times more incidents of harassment and violence than men. The coronavirus has been weaponized against us to enable even more racialized misogyny but we continue to courageously speak up so our stories are heard and demand that our leaders address racism and violence against us head on. We need a response to these escalating incidents of harassment and violence that centers Asian American women and elders. Intentional centering of women and elders must result in true aid, community support, government support, and an emphasis on our lived experiences, so that relief flows to those who need it most. We do not need more law enforcement – time and time again, more law enforcement did not lead to protection and safety. It instead leads to more violence aimed at and control of Black and brown communities, including our own community members. We are asking elected officials for a response that:
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